Now Available: Event Transcripts

Transcripts for earnings calls, investor conferences, and analyst day events are among the most important sources of information for investors. These conversations offer unique insight and additional color into the business, with management often providing qualitative and quantitative assessments into a company’s current operations as well as forward-looking expectations.
Executives typically take questions from Wall Street analysts that can help shine light on strengths and weaknesses that a company is facing, while a growing number of companies are embracing direct communications with retail investors at these types of events. Conference call comments can even have an immediate impact on determining investor sentiment, setting the tone for the market’s reception to new developments.
ORTEX is pleased to announce that event transcripts are now available on our platform. The latest transcripts can be found under a stock’s Events tab shortly after the event concludes. Different speakers are color coded to make it easy to identify executives and analysts. Transcripts are available for Basic and Advanced users.