Screen Everything

Discover the Stocks You’ve Been Searching For with ORTEX’s Enhanced Screener
We’re excited to unveil an innovative enhancement to the ORTEX platform: our newly upgraded Screener! As those already in the know with ORTEX can attest, our platform is rich with distinctive and expansive data. While having access to vast information is invaluable, navigating it can sometimes be overwhelming. That’s precisely why we’ve upgraded our tools, empowering you to pinpoint exactly what you’re looking for in the vast financial landscape.

Introducing Our Advanced Screening Tool
Our enhanced Screener now boasts an impressive ability to filter through over 50,000 stocks globally using 262 distinct data points. This isn’t just about having more data—it’s about having the right tools to make that data work for you. From Short Interest, Insider activities, and technical signals, to comprehensive stock score metrics, our platform ensures you can sift through, sort, and spotlight the stocks that align with your investment criteria.

Tailor-Made Searches for Precision Investing
Looking to identify a company with high short interest and a P/E ratio under 15, where insiders have made purchases in the last three months? Set your criteria, apply your filters, and there they are. Our tool doesn’t just offer data—it offers tailored intelligence that adapts to your unique investing lens. The potential combinations are nearly limitless, offering endless opportunities to discover companies that resonate with your specific financial narrative.

Seamless Integration and Data Exporting
To further enhance your analysis, all data from our Screener can be exported for deeper examination. This means not only can you find the stocks you believe in, but you can also manipulate and analyze the data in your spreadsheets

Join us at ORTEX, where data meets decision-making. Start screening smarter, not harder, and let us help you find your next great investment opportunity.