Recent insider transactions

This box shows the most recent insider trades for your selected stock.

INSIDER SCORE The insider transaction is ranked out of 5 stars with 5 being the most significant signal. The score is based on the trend and number of insiders making a recommendation (within three months), the previous historical performance of that insider, the size of transaction versus total holding and the position that the insider plays within the company.


A Top insider (executive board , chairman, Top 5)

B Upper level management (executive committee, Top 20)

C Non executives, supervisory board, Board of Directors

D Lower level executives

E Legal entities, funds and trusts

F Outsider (Finland only, not included in the feed)

G Family and other relatives

H Partner, large shareholder, founder, investor, family holding

J Custodian

K Government

S Issuer (not included in the feed)


HIGH is Regular market transactions (buy/sell), only equity

MEDIUM is Labelled transactions (buy/sell/subscribe) based on conscious decisions like

capital increases, option related sells, private placement

LOW Non‐intentional or mechanical transactions: award of shares, exercise of option,

tax related transactions, remuneration, share plan purchases

We exclude transaction when no change in beneficial holdings (neutral): Insider is transferring shares to his spouse