Correlated Peers
Here you see a list ranked by the biggest peer movers over the last day. This page allows you to see which stocks are most correlated to the stocks in your universe.
Remote peer Closely correlated to a stock in your universe.
Peer Stock in your selected universe correlated to the moving peer.
1 day The last close of the remote peer and in brackets you have the price divergence over 1 day between the remote peer and the peer.
1 week The aggregate 5 day move of the remote peer and in brackets you have the price divergence over 5 days between the remote peer and the peer.
Peer rating This is a score out of 100 for the level of correlation between the remote peer and peer, where 100 is exact correlation and 0 is no correlation.
Chart Click on the chart icon to see the selected remote peer and peer compared on a graph.