Current Index Constituents
This table shows you what the official index looks like, and highlights any changes that would happen if the index was rebalanced today.

Current Index Constituents
Current Index tables
Index rank – The position of the stock within the index as ranked by the index formula.
Market Cap – The current market cap of the stock
Last rebalance Weight – The percentage of the index that the stock made up at the previously announced index changes (previous rebalance announcement).
Weight if rebalanced today – The percentage of the index that the stock would make up if it was rebalanced today (based on yesterdays close price).
Weight after next rebalance effective date – The percentage of the index that the stock will make up as of the official rebalance announcement. This is useful to note after the announcement date and before the effective date.
Market cap change needed to enter index – The change of market cap required in order for the stock to be ranked within the guaranteed entry level set by the index. Stocks can be included by other criteria and hence this value can sometimes be positive even for stocks that are due to be added.
Price change needed to enter index – The change of the stocks share price required in order for the stock to be ranked within the guaranteed entry level set by the index. Stocks can be included by other criteria and hence this value can sometimes be positive even for stocks that are due to be added.
In Index – Shows if the stock is currently in the official index